Having posted the first job offer on our Job Board, we have the pleasure to announce that our Job Board is now fully operational.
The offer in question comes from Nordic Innovation House (NIH), who are looking for a full-time Community Director in Tokyo to develop, manage and coordinate efforts and operations to build a strong community of Nordic and local/ regional startup ecosystems. The job includes the execution of the House’s core operations, promoting Nordic Innovation House Tokyo, overseeing all external communication around Nordic Innovation House Tokyo, as well as many more exciting tasks. The application deadline is March 1st, 2020. Read more here.
The Job Board is open for our members and partners to post job openings at their company. While the initial idea behind the board is to give more visibility to job offers located in Japan, the board is currently also open for job positions located in Denmark.
For further inquiries regarding the Job Board and those interested in getting their job offer posted on the board, please contact Leon Esben Ota at info@dccj.org.