We would like to share the attached event deck and outreach material for the 2nd EU wide Japan trade and investment Forum which will be held in Milan on May 16-17, 2019:
· As a supporting organisation, two senior representatives will benefit from complimentary entry with pre-registration to attend the 2-day Forum. Name, title, company, and direct work mail address required (the information will not be shared with third-parties). Regretfully, no guests will be admitted on the day of the event without prior registration.
· Members and extended network can benefit from a supporting organisations discounts of 40% to attend the 2-day Forum. Simply enter “DCCJ40” via the online registration. We encourage you to share the attached branded invitation flyer via a mailing outreach to colleagues and companies in your network.
· Since we would like to ensure a strong representation of Danish companies, in the spirit of our continued collaboration and as a token of all your supporting efforts, we are happy to also share with you the offer to introduce 10 valued DCCJ company members and their representatives of choice to attend the 2-day Forum in Milan for free. Name, title, company, and direct work mail address required. Pre-registration is required.
For further information, see the following two files below: