webinar;Support Program For Businesses
The Video recording and slides from the Webinar regarding the COVID-19 Support Packages for Businesses from the Japanese Government has been posted to the DCCJ Forum.
*NoteThe forum is for DCCJ members exclusively, yet If you as a member have trouble logging into to DCCJ Forum, please contact us at info@dccj.org.
About the event:
On the 15th of April, DCCJ together with NCCJ and Startup Japan, hosted a webinar on the COVID-19 Support Packages for Businesses from the Japanese Government.

Following the announcement of the Japanese Government’s stimulus package on April 7 - in response to the COVID-19 crisis, many small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) have wondered what they can receive, and how they can receive the support programs included in the package. This information is frequently updated, extensive and not always easily comprehensible to non-Japanese speakers.
The Webinar intended to give an overview of the existing and newly introduced support programs, as well as an update on the latest information. The Webinar was presented by Ms. Miho Tanaka, who possesses broad experience supporting not only startups, but seasoned, foreign businesses operating in Japan.