The Danish Chamber of Commerce in Japan is delighted to welcome Beauté Pacifique Japan (BelRose Nordic Co., Ltd.) as our newest Corporate Member.

BelRose Nordic Co., Ltd., headquartered in Tokyo, is a Danish-Japanese venture that introduces and imports high-end Nordic brands, focusing on beauty and well-being. As the exclusive distributor of Beauté Pacifique in Japan, the company brings a unique and science-driven approach to skincare, backed by decades of innovation and research.
Founded in Denmark in 1997, Beauté Pacifique was developed by Danish engineers Flemming Christiansen and Gunnar Svendsen who initially designed a skin scanner to study the science behind skincare. Their goal was simple yet ambitious: to create skincare products that are based on solid scientific evidence. Today, Beauté Pacifique is sold in 17 countries across the globe including Scandinavian countries, Europe, the United States, Australia, and South Africa. It made its long-awaited debut in Japan in 2024, bringing cutting-edge Scandinavian skincare solutions to the local market.
A Unique Skincare Experience
Beauté Pacifique Japan now offers a unique opportunity to assess your skin's condition with a detailed, "cross-sectional" view using the brand’s advanced skin scanner. This technology provides valuable insights into skin health, helping users optimize their skincare routine.
The skin scanning service was recently introduced at an event at the Royal Danish Embassy in Japan in November 2024, where nearly 100 participants took part in the exclusive assessment session.
Beauté Pacifique Japan is looking to expand its presence in Japan through collaborations with events, retail spaces, and business partners. For more information or collaboration inquiries, please contact Beauté Pacifique Japan (BelRose Nordic Co., Ltd.) here.
当社はデンマークの機能的スキンケアコスメブランドBeauté Pacifique(ボーテ・パシフィック)の日本総代理店です。Beauté Pacifiqueは1997年にデンマークで創業。スキンスキャナーを開発していたエンジニアが科学的根拠を軸に立ち上げ、皮膚科医の協力のもと“美と科学”を融合した、唯一無二の革新的なスキンケア製品を目指しています。「強く健康な肌づくり」をビジョンに掲げ、北欧諸国はもとよりヨーロッパ、アメリカ、オーストラリア、南アフリカなど世界17か国で展開、2024年に待望の日本初上陸を果たしました。